Dec 28, 2006 12:32
Let's see... Happenings...
Yesterday, hubby & I finally celebrated X-mas with gift exchange. He gave me a "Whomp It" and a book I've really wanted.
We had fun and hung out and played with Mags, who walked on her little feet a little bit. In general, it was a great belated Christmas.
Of course, he and I have been discussing our future. Right now, WaHo ain't cutting it. So... well, their may be some big changes happening in our life shortly.
More on that later. *shrug* When I know.
Don't you hate that waiting to know one crucial bit of data so you can firmly solidify plans that will instituted almost immediately and have far reaching effects that you really can't fully calculate or comprehend yet?
Anyway, lots of love, luck, and laughter for all of you in the coming new calendar year.