I just got back from a great weekend with Phil about an hour ago. The weather and traffic kept me from coming home yesterday (no I'm not complaining :-)) Anywho...I'll probably post a more detailed update later but for now I have tons of pics from Renaissance Festival to share!
Juicy from the Mudslinger's Show eating mud....this used to be my absolute favorite show but it wasn't as funny this year
"Fresh....Squeezed..." that's Juicy's cheer
Me and Phil
Me and Amy
Amy and her b/f Jesse
LOOKOUT!!!! Phil has an AXE!!!!! ::DUCK::
Jesse and his flower wreath...he looks so happy
Random Photo Op
In the stocks
Some Goose Love
That's pretty much it aside from the parrott pics. I wish I had gotten a pic of Spammer with his birthday present. You should all be very afraid....
I'm gonna go heat up some of the delicious food Mama Berger sent home with me :-D