Every song tells a story story

Apr 04, 2006 03:28

Hey all, I haven't posted a story in a long time or written one. Anyway I have some from 2003 that I don't think I posted , not sure but know I didn' t on here.

Pairing/ John and Paul/ Paul and Ryan ( fiction character)
Rating- x for rape scene, will explain. Language and sex
Title- Helter Skelter
Comment- please be kind
This is a story about Paul and John coming to the states to make the Apple announcement. Paul goes to Jail due to something that John does. It's 1968 and there is a rape in the prison. Paul finds out about loving another man. The experience brings both John and Paul to the truth about their love for one another. There is angst in this story too, we know how John can be , especially when feeling guilty. How are they going to get Paul out? And how will the two friends handle these new found feelings?
Ok, be kind, and this is the only story I have that is beta read.... Helter Skelter


By Abbeyrd and special thanks to Nanci S.

Paul pushed back the seat to the airplane. The ride was long and he was tired. John had disappeared a few minutes before and Paul had an idea of what he was doing. At this moment he didn’t care he was tired; they were on their way to New York to announce the opening of their company Apple. A dream they all had, but it was more John and Paul’s baby. He had smoked a bit of grass before the flight. Now, after eating something he was tired. He nodded off, for how long he didn’t know until he felt the heavy weight of John plopping into the seat next to him.

“Christ John I was sleeping.”

John just gave an amused look at Paul’s annoyed face. His eyes were hooded , his body relaxed as he put his legs across Paul’s lap. Paul pushed them off.

“Bugger off would ya…… If ya wanna do that junk then do it with out bothering me.”

Lips spread in a small grin John winked at him.

“Who’s calling the kettle black now sleepy head? Grass make ya tired eh?”

Paul scanned the plane nervously.

In a quiet voice he whispered.

“Keep it low, y know how these American’s are worse then the British on that.”

“Naw, it’s bigger over in the States. Don’t worry so much man.”

John lay back , lazily lighting a cigarette. Paul took it from him when he noticed how John was nodding out from the drug he was on. Paul soon fell back to sleep and a stewardess shaking him gently awoke him this time.

“Mr. McCartney…….. Mr. Lennon sorry to disturb you but we are about to land now. I need you to fasten your seat belts please.” She smiled politely at them before walking away.

John fished out a small zipper bag and a few vials from his carry on.

“Hey you want to hold this ? Put it in with your stash eh?”

Paul begrudgingly took what was given him and mixed it in his bag.

“Why can’t you hold this shite. Ya know I get nervous enough with the grass.”

John shrugged. :” I just know you always get away with smuggling the pot so I thought if you hide this with it we’ll be just fine. Besides, you usually get the birds in costumes and a smile along with an autograph they never search you . I always get searched after that bloody bust in England. Come ead lighten it up ……. I need it every so often you know that just as you need a good laugh too, so what of it?”

“You’re a pounce you know that?” Paul snubbed out his cigarette as the light came on to do so. John smiled wildly at him.

“Ah y know ya love me …… I’m a loveable pounce and besides we don’t need both of us getting busted.” He laughed some more.

“Oh you’re a right arse. Take it back I don’t want to carry it.” Paul pushed the carry on towards him.

“Paulie you are being obvious, now be a good lad and carry that for your dear mate, what loves ya.” He said batting his eyes.

“Prat that’s what you are ……. Bloody fuckin prat.” He crossed his arms , exhaled in defeat and sat there simmering.

“You are what they say you are aren’t you……course I always knew you were, but I always defended you.” John joked to lighten Paul’s mood.

“What? What am I that they say?” He huffed.

“A spoiled brat that needs his arse smacked.” With this John cackled and then saw a small smile cross his friends face.


The plane made a smooth landing and then they were told they could disembark. These days the two seemed to be able to move easier around with out getting mobbed. Some would venture up for an autograph and that’s what they were counting on. This always seemed to get them through customs without a problem. They walked through Kennedy Airport to get their luggage. They were stopped at the customs gate. Smiling, they offered some conversation as John passed through and grabbed his case he saw a look on one of the guard’s faces that he didn’t like.

They held Paul up as he started chatting nervously to them.

“No Paul don’t get nervous’ John thought and then wished he hadn’t given the junk to him.

The guard wasn’t a girl this time but two huge men. They stood by as one went through Paul’s carry on and the other wouldn’t let Paul pass. John’s eyes met the worried eyes of his mates.

“Mr. McCartney I’m afraid you’re going to have to come with us. Now we don’t want to cause a scene. Simply come with me.” The burly guard told him as he took the case with one hand and Paul’s arm harshly with the other.

Paul found John watching in horror as they led him down the long hall. John chased after them.

“Hold on mate what’s going on here? We have a press conference later today.” John asked

“Your friend here is in trouble. I can’t get into it. I suggest you get him a lawyer.” The guard stated with a stoic expression.

The long hall was the longest Paul had ever walked down. People scooted around trying to make their planes, only a few realized that Paul McCartney was being escorted and John Lennon was quickly walking behind them. People who saw this probably thought it was out of safety for the two Beatles. John and Paul knew better.

Paul shivered inside, .Damn that Lennon why did I have to take that stuff? I could be on me way to the hotel right now and the press conference. That would surely be about my bust and not Apple.

They climbed up some metal stairs clanging rung in Paul’s ears. He wanted to pull away and run as fast and as far as he could. The large police officer held fast onto him.

Why didn’t we bring Mal again ole Johnny??? Oh right we could do this ourselves bollocks!

They finally got to the top of the stairs and started walking down another long hall.

John hurried to keep up with the guards.

“What are you charging him on anyway ? I need to get a lawyer for him ?”

The one guard stopped; looking coldly and smug at Lennon.

“Your friend here doesn’t know how to keep his drugs back home. I don’t know about your laws but in New York we don’t like drugs being brought in. So I suggest for the last time to get a lawyer and leave.”

John looked at the man in disbelief at how hard he was being. John’s temper burned, he wanted to spout off but knew it would do no good for Paul. He held it under check and put on a false calmness.

They reached the doors that they were heading for . Paul had looked back every so often to make sure John was there.

“You can’t go in here. Just us and the prisoner.” The one guard blocked the door from John as the other one pushed Paul in.

“I can’t even see him? Why? “ John bit down his rage as he asked.

“Why?” The guard looked amused now.

“Because you aren’t under arrest for smuggling dope into our country.” He eyed him as if ready to put cuffs on him.

“What are you gonna do to him? I mean I have to know where to bring the lawyer and all.” John fought for the words.

Fucking pig can’t even be considerate to me, looking down his nose like I’m a disease. I should be the one in there and Paulie out here. He’s gonna go barmy in jail. He would know what to do out here and I could handle in there. Stupid git to put it in his stuff. FUCK what am I gonna do? Lawyers, do we have lawyers in America?

“Can I at least see him for one minute?” John hid the aggravation he felt.

“ The PD will be here shortly for Mr. McCartney, you can see him with his lawyer.” The brick wall said as he block the way between John and his way to Paul.

“PD? What the fu……I mean what is the PD?” John bit his tongue so hard he swore by the end of the day he wouldn’t have one.

“New York Police Department , Mr. Lennon. Now, you have to leave.”

John watched the huge hulk close and lock the door. He stood there in shock for a few minutes.

Why didn’t I bring Mal? He’d now what to do and the bloody press conference. I better find a phone I’ll ring up Alistair, he’ll know what to do to fix this mess.

John bolted down the hall in search for a phone to call home. He no longer wanted to be there , he was worried how Paul was taking this and how the hell he was gonna get him out?

Inside they pushed Paul hard into a cold metal chair, the scratch of the chair could be heard as it slip under his falling weight. He sat nervously biting his thumbnail.

The one guard came over to him.

“Shame, My girl loves you. She’ll be crushed to see you busted for your indulgence in this stuff. Boy , you’re gonna learn now aren’t you?” He laughed as he snapped the cuffs on Paul and the other part to the chair.

Paul felt the cold cuffs tighten around his right wrist, then to the chair. He froze in the cold gray room. The room had a black tile floor with a two-way window to watch him. He sat in the cold mental chair, hiding the fear that shook through out his body as the guard watched him as if he could escape, Paul thought in disbelief.

“Can I at least have a smoke.” He said politely.

“Well at least your more polite then your friend…..I guess I see no harm in a smoke while we wait for the police.” The guard lit the cigarette and gave it to Paul along with an ashtray.

Paul smoked furiously as he contemplated his situation. He hoped John would call Al, Mr. Fix it could get him out of this.

“You say the Police will be arresting me? Then what happens?” Paul asked trying to hid his nervousness.

The guard laughed.

:” You boys are spoiled aren’t cha. No special treatment for you song boy……You’re gonna be locked up until they decide what to do with you. Probably in a holding cell and then downtown, after that right to prison with your sweet ass, I’m afraid they will eat you alive down there. They love pretty boys. I shouldn’t be saying all this. You’ll see for your self I’m sure of it.”

The guard walked out when he heard the Police arrive. Paul shivered over what the guard had just told him, he wished he could have another cigarette he needed something and the nicotine would do.

Funny how nicotine is legal yet grass isn’t……but most of my problem is that bloody John’s drugs…………

He looked up as two Police officers came into the room.

They looked him up and down before speaking.

“Well look who we have here Tommy. One of those pretty boys from that English group the Beatles…..I am sure the judge will want to make an example of you.

You’re charge with smuggling illegal substances into our country and that is a serious offense. You understand that ? “ They went on to read him his rights, they cuffed his hands together in the small of his back nice and as tight as they could. Paul felt the numbness set in from the lack of blood flow.

“We’ll take you out the back. We don’t want to cause a scene. Come on get going.” The Police officer pushed him lightly.

They walked him down yet another dark cold hallway until he was outside. The bright sun caused him to squint his eyes and he felt his head being pushed into the back of the police car. He wiggled his hands , desperate to get some feeling in them and surrendered for the ride to the holding cell he’d again have to sit in.
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