Vacation Journal: Day 12

Jun 15, 2006 22:23

    So we are at teh airport waiting for our plane to come in.  We stayed the night in Las Vegas at the Hooters casion/ hotel- very interesting.

Today I spent a lot of my time at the pool- up until about 2 pm when about 5 college boys began to bug me.  I was talkign to Sean and they were liek "Why are you talkign to him?  You are on vacation!  blah, blah, blah...."

I miss Sean.  I can't wait to see him tomorrow.  Things are getting pretty serious.  We've been talkign abotu moving out west together amd things of the sort.  I love him quite a lot.  I know I am still so young but I like to think about marryinghim.  It brings me comfort.   HE brings me comfort.  That is somethig I do not experience a lot of these days.

Well I guess I am goign to read or something.  I'm so anxious.  I just want to be home in Sean's arms.

Later days,

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