Boring pictures of my trip!

Aug 04, 2005 16:51

Now I am in Dover, the capitol of Delaware. w00t. Aren't I just full of fun facts?
here are some pictures, enjoy!

The Open Road, VT

Me, a Mirror, and the Camera

After four hours of concrete highway, a little green was nice. PA

My mom's friend Jimmy. He and his wife marty are two of the nicest people I have ever met. I wish they were my grandparents. Alas, no. PA.

The White House, in all it's glory. I tried to convince my mom to flip them the bird, but there were cops and small children nearby. DC

Taken immeadlty after the White House photo. I litterally turned 180 and snapped the shutter. DC

A movie shoot happening outside a resturant near the WH. I couldn't see any celebs, but I took a photo anyway. DC

The Jefferson Memorial, via my car. DC

The Pentagon,via my car. Can you imagine a plane hitting that? DC

Me, in my crappy hotel room. The bathroom are mirrors covering the walls. It was freaky, but the back of my head never looked nicer. DC

A tunnel the went under Chesapeake Bay. VA

Inside that very same tunnel. VA

The Bridge That Never Ended. VA

mmmm, marshlands. How blissfully green. VA

Da beach. VA



Me in the ocean. That was last night, that is also where we went swimming today. I had never been swimming in the ocean before. Nor, had I ever wittnessed so many people in swim suits either. VA.

A rare, monkey-like squirrel.

I arive home late tomarrow!
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