I hate tests

May 23, 2006 14:56

I hate tests, I just took a computer one, it wasnt all that bad realyl I think I did well but I still hate them. The binary and hexadecimal system seriously needs to die.

So yesterday was intersting to say the least. There was a memorial blood drive for Dr. Mocks son who died last year from some sort of cancer, and yesterday he would have been 21. She's awesome so me, laura and thea went. I was told I wouldnt be able to give cause of my recent cartlidge pericing, and well I'm terrified of needles and the last time I gave they blew veins and just poked my arms up so bad, I didnt think Iw ould do it but I did. Was fine through the whole thing, me and Thea were near each other so we talked and just was being idiots to get the thought of the needles in our arms out of our minds, both are terrified of needles. If I didnt look at it I was fine. So got up, was fine, walked over to the snack area, fine, got a coke and a doughnut, watch them take Thea away cause she got sick, fine. Took a bite of my doughnut, not fine. I got so sick, so lightheaded and felt like I was going to puke. I did black out for a bit, I came back when I felt a freezing hand on my back. It was Dr.Mock rubbing my back. They then took me away to go visit Thea. She was happy too see it was me. We were over there for a bit recouping, and got lots of free food :-D. Then I got so sick last night was so hot felt like I was going to puke and all that, slept in the bottom bunk cause I didnt want ot have to climb in and out if I had to barf. Wasnt comfy cause my egg crates were above me. I was so close to not going to class cause I was so god damned tired, but I did.

Laura's starting again did not go to class. I wish I could skip *sighs* but I'm being a good girl. Really I just want out of here and to move to pittsburgh.

Oh Jess I'll have to send the check tomorrow cause I forgot I need a stamp and I missed the post office being open, the hours are a lot shorter cause of summer sem, forgot about that.

So not sure whatelse to write or type really.
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