Tiny little almost-fic.

Dec 02, 2002 10:28

Okay. So before I go to bed last night, I gripe about how I'm uninspired for the stuff I wanna be writing.

This morning? I suddenly get a funny little utterly unrelated concept/scene thing that I doubt very much I'll ever be able to do anything with.

So, of course, what do I decide to type up?

It started as a diversion. A way to remind himself that it was all actually happening, because he always had the unsettling feeling that it wouldn't last three months. So, when they were in Europe, Lance would always be sure to try and tape it when they showed up on TV. He didn't always manage to, because they were moving around so much, but whenever he could, he carefully recorded televised interviews and whatnot, and log what was on the tape in a little notebook. So when it was over with, he could take it home and prove to his future kids that, yes, once upon a time he was in a band. And they were mildly popular. The other guys poked a bit of fun at it, but they understood why. It was the same reason Joey toted his camcorder around everywhere. To remember that time in their lives. The difference was just that Joey got the rough cut and Lance got the finished product, such that it were. He liked finished products.

That was why he also watched them to try to figure out just what he'd do wrong in the interviews. Because whenever he saw himself, he always thought that he looked like an incredible idiot. So he wanted to improve himself. Become more of a finished product. He knew that looking at it from the outside, someone would probably think he was egotistical or something, but... he just wanted to put his best face forward.

When they got back to the states, he figured that he might even manage to fill up another tape or two before they fizzled. Or maybe they'd attain some steady popularity, and he'd have a nice little collection. He didn't expect to get Europe times twenty. Once he faithfully taped the Disney special... it went downhill.

Really. One of the only things more exhausting than being all over television is making sure you managed to tape it afterwards. Or during. He thanked God for whoever invented VCR timer recording. Otherwise, he'd never manage to snag TRL. Oh. And TiVo. TiVo was a godsend.

So his modest tape collection did nothing but grow. Sometimes he'd miss things. But he'd always do his best to wrangle them from the internet somehow. He never let any of the people he got tapes from know who he was, because... if it ever got out that he was doing this, he had a feeling he'd be all over the late night talk shows... as a monologue joke. Which was bad enough when it was directed at the group itself. But when it was just him.. directed at the three massive shelves of *NSYNC taped television appearances he had... yeah. It'd more than outgrown the first two notebooks. He actually had a computerized database to keep track of what was on which tape.

He knew it was insane.

But damn, would he have something to show his kids.


Dang, I'm a dork. :b
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