(no subject)

Sep 25, 2004 22:29

today was f.u.n. FUN! i had a soccer game at 1 so i woke up around 11, ate breakfast, took a shower and left.we ended up losing cause the goalie who was in there before me let 3 balls by (in the second half, when i was goalie, NO balls got by!! haha) but it was all good cause ashley came! then afterward we came to my house and i got dressed. then my mother took us to khols and meijer and i got highlighting stuff for my hair. then we came home and my brother and jake were getting all mad at us cause we were supposedly "following" them..whata loser! but then jakes girlfriend or person whom he likes came over to the girl who lives around the corners house and jake was being all gay and mean and me and ashley were getting mad at him cause hes usually like extremely nice.but not tonight!! then after a little while after we came inside and highlighted my hair and it looks awesome!! haha and now were just kinda sitting around, watching mtv and talking to people and i need to call sam later cause she needs to tell me something about here family so umm yeah!! and i miss aaron cause hes sleeping at freaking 1030 on a weekend!!! UHH!!
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