Jul 14, 2003 13:06
Well, another great weekend has passed. This summer has been really great when it comes to weekends, as I have yet to have one where I am bored. There is always something going on. I see people every weekend that I am unable to see during the week. Now the weekdays...different story. It's like night and day, the weekdays are so boring and depressing and they drag on and on. Then the weekend comes and it makes up for all the lack of excitement during the week.
Well I'm currently sitting here at work, quite bored. I rarely have much to do at work, and it upsets me quite a bit. You see, I'm a head case when it comes to stuff like this. I feel guilty because I feel like I'm wasting my time, and the time of the very kind man that was nice enough to take me in for the summer and pay me $11 an hour--UNDER THE TABLE! I just feel bad, I wish there was more I could do. Things are so hectic around here, my boss rarely has time to get with me and get me started on projects. So I just mosey around, chat online a bit, use the internet all day. Mind you, when I have projects to do I keep very occupied and the time actually passes quite nicely. But the past week, and today, I have had nothing to do. Hence, update time for LJ!
It doesn't really help my attitude when I come home from work after a long day of doing nothing, and then just do nothing again until I pass out on my bed at around midnight, my mind so drained from doing nothing that it just shuts down as I fall asleep to some soothing music like Coldplay. This is why I hate the weekdays. I just kind of feel worthless I guess. All my friends are in Baltimore or other places that are too far to go on a weeknight. So the week days are very lonely. When I'm lonely I tend to think too much and this is not good, as too much thinking makes me more of a headcase than I already am.
Sometimes I like to go to Barnes and Noble and just look at books and CD's, maybe read some magazines. I can easily spend a good 3 hours in there. It's good alone time and it gets my mind off of things, keeps me refreshed. Or taking a ride alone on the Metro, with no real purpose or destination...just watching people go about their day, wondering where they are coming from, do they like their job? Are they happy with their lives? It's quite intriguing to just watch people and try to imagine life as they know it. Or it's just really weird, but I'm weird, so then I guess it wouldn't be weird for me to do that I guess.
Well we are approaching the last third of the summer, and I must say, having a boring job makes me want to get back to school and make myself feel accomplished again.
I need a digital camera, I think this will be my next investment. I came to this decision yesterday while at Six Flags with some of my more favorite people. I realized I don't take enough pictures, and a great day with good friends is something I want pictures of so that I can look back on it when I am old and depressed. Wow, I'm a very morbid thinker aren't I? Anyways, so yeah I want more pictures and developing film is too expensive. These two realizations lead me to the conclusion that a digital camera is a very worthy purchase. Possibly as soon as next week i could have one, I need to do some shopping for that. Perhaps I could stop by Best Buy after work and take a look around.
I think I will also pick up some CD's in the near future. There is so much music I need to get I can't even fathom it.
Enough of this, until next time...buh-bye.