May 08, 2003 21:19
I'm going to sound like a misanthrope in this entry. I'm really not, although on an overall basis I'd say my general dislike for people has increased 10 fold in the past few years alone, with emphasis on the past year.
I can't stand people who think they are intelligent, but really aren't. These people usually are very pretentious, and they think everyone gives a shit about what they have to say. What they don't realize is that they are either completely ignorant of the fact they are retards, or they actually do have some respectable logic behind what they have to say. Even if the latter is the case, that doesn't mean I give a shit. I don't really care. Why can't people just be? Why do they have to be such assholes, why do certain people feel such a need to make their presence known? For fuck's sake, live your life and let me live mine. I don't care what some random person thinks about gay rights, I don't care what they think about God, I don't care what they think about women's position in today's society, and I don't care if they think our government is fucked up. Everyone has their own opinions, and everyone is entitled to them. But there is a time and a place to state them and debate them, and that time and place should not be in public as I am making my way to class on a bright sunny day.
I am myself, having an extremist try to ram opinions down my throat is not going to change anything. Take for example the coming out day that occured recently here at UMBC. I respect gays completely, but come on. We don't need this, we don't need a day to observe gay pride. It's almost as if its a day for gays to go about and make it blatenly clear that they are just that. It's pointless, talk about ramming it down my throat. I don't want to see gay public display of affection, just as I don't want to see straight public display of affection. I mean to a certain degree it is ok, but there is a line that should not be crossed. What is with all the tension towards gays? Maybe it's all the attention they force upon themselves. Like I said, I don't disrespect gays, but we don't need a special day of observance for them. Just as we don't need a special day of observence for straight people. All this talk of equality, gays wanting equality, minorites wanting equality. Well I don't think putting yourself on a pedistal is very equal. It's hypocritical.
On a side note, other types of people that piss me off are the kinds that only talk to you when they want something. Yeah, people like that suck. Apparently there are alot of people here at UMBC like that too.
Whew, despite all this, I'm really not as bitter and angry as I sound in this entry. Sometimes I just need to vent.