May 22, 2010 15:07
Well let me see. When last I posted I was about to take a dive into the world of voice acting. I did. It was a lot of fun. I had class every Tuesday from 6:30 to 8:30 in Broadripple. We would meet up, our teachers Priscilla (a veteran voice actor) and Jason (sound mixer extraordinaire) would teach us a little about the field of voice acting and how to make a living off of it, then it was off to the booth. We would get the copy when we walked in, adjust the mike and go! It was a lot like my voice labs back in college, except now it would be the group saying that they liked my inflection here, or that my voice got mushy there, and so forth. For the last two classes we had a copy editor in the studio. Our first experience with a guest copy editor was with the guy writes all of the copy for Eli Lilly. His directing style was very foreign and I found that all of the choices that he made for the other actors were the opposite choices that I myself would have made. It made me question a lot of what I do as an actor (which can be a good thing). The second guy was just fun. He writes copy for the Hoosier lotto and Simon malls. It was so much fun to read and a lot of fun to hear my classmates read it as well. We all laughed quite a bit that day. Now that the class is over, I just have to edit my demo and get my friend Zach into the studio so that he might record my name at the beginning (you need an actor of the opposite sex to introduce you in a demo) and then I can send it off to an agent.
I also had just been contracted to do YPIP. YPIP (young playwrights in progress) is a contest that is held every year for middle and high school students in the state of Indiana. They are asked to write a one act play and submit it 6 months in advance. Several professional playwrights and directors read these scripts and then vote on 6 finalists. Those six finalists are invited to the IRT to consult with James Still (playwright) and RJR (dramaturg). They discuss the strong and weak points of the scripts with the kids and then send them on their way. Now the 6 finalists have a month to edit. Once all the editing is done, the judges vote on the two best scripts which are then produced by the IRT with a full cast and a director. That is where I came in. I had so much fun. The scripts were a blast, the people were a blast to work with, and I really did love getting two hundred dollars for three days of work. Even though it was a short job, it reminded me why I do what I do. Why I keep putting myself out there to be rejected. Because when I finally do book a job and get to act, I feel complete.
What else? Well, the short sell of the house is not going so keen. Satan's brand wall paper has yet to be defeated. My sister and my fingernails have been scraped down to the nub, there is plaster missing in certain places where we got too violent, and the chemicals that take extremely difficult wall paper off apparently cause cancer. Lovely. My parents did secure a condo in West Clay. While a much higher rent than I have ever paid, it is chump change compared to their mortgage. If we can just get the old house sold, and get my parents to part with some of their old (ugly) furniture, then I think that this fresh start can be a good thing for them (silverliningsilverlining).
The new rental house is coming together nicely. My morning glories are coming up (huzzah!), but still no sign of the daisies or the columbines. The tomato plant is flourishing (I found a flower on it the other day) but I have yet to get the rest of the garden planted. If anyone excels at gardening and wants to help someone with a brown thumb, please help! I kill green things.
This past Monday, my good friend Ms. Lou, turned 24! Hip hip hooray! We celebrated last night by going to Crackers and drinking a lot. The comedian was okay. I have definitely seen better, but I also laughed a lot, which is the goal. I hope she had a lovely time.
Also, the IRT will officially be on its summer schedule on Monday. This means I will have weekends again! Huzzah! So glad. It also means that I have a lot of vacation time that will need to be used in the near future. Road trip anyone?
voice acting