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excessivehubris January 20 2012, 20:07:15 UTC
[He does not take the easy pot shot about hearts and lack of them. They both knew what sort of man Burke was, there was little point in pretending or even sniping other wise.]

What medicine are you talking abou...

[The words froze in Charles' mouth as his mind flashed to the furious conversation he'd had with the man, the taunting complete with hip pumps, the flying of a medicine bottle and a sarcastic promise spilling from lips that had been moving with a sort of maniacal energy.]

Oh my God.

[Charles closed his eyes and let his forehead smack into the window. Had he truly promised to ... if Burke took all of ... Oh God!]

Burke ...

[If he sounds pained, its because he is, because he never expected Burke to ... behave. He's expected the antibiotics to get pitched in the nearest rubbish bin. Of course by 'behaving' Burke was being a complete prat. How had Charles not seen this coming??

Because I am losing my mind.

Charles gave a small, pained little chuckle and looked up at the ceiling.]

You utter prat. [He said softly, hard to tell if he meant Burke or himself.]


orange_balls January 20 2012, 20:58:26 UTC
Not quite sure what a prat is, but I'll take that as a compliment all the same.

[A shrug of shoulders and he'll pick idly at teeth, before running his tongue over them.]

So how long do I have t'take this stuff before y'can give me my bill of clean health?


excessivehubris January 21 2012, 01:05:44 UTC
Burke, even if you knew what a prat was, you would still take it as a compliment.

[And there in lays the worst of this situation. Charles can not even find it in him to be angry or hateful towards Burke. Burke did what he wanted to do and Charles not only allowed it but he encouraged it. The fault and the shame were Charles' alone and he simply was not sure what that said about his ability to function anymore.]

Take one when you wake up and one when you go to sleep until they are all gone.


orange_balls January 21 2012, 09:40:30 UTC
What can I say, I'm not easily offended.

[He'll reach over to pluck up the small bottle of pills, and looks at the label.]

So that's what this nonsense was about on 'ere. Good t'know. I'll make sure t'start takin' two as ordered. Wouldn't want t'disappoint ya, Charlie m'lad.


excessivehubris January 21 2012, 16:41:11 UTC
[The nickname rankles and Charles can't decide if he wants to snap at Burke to stop it or simply try to ignore it. He knows that he should ignore it but at this point Burke is so far under his skin, Charles finds himself biting back the scathing words.]

It is for your own health, Burke. It has nothing to do with me.

[Beyond the antibiotics Charles himself was now going to have to run a course of. A whole new wash of shame threatened to rise up and choke him. Especially when his words crept up to taunt him and he realized it sort of did still have to do with him.]

Do you not have something else you should be doing?


orange_balls January 21 2012, 19:27:13 UTC
[And he'll pop open the bottle of pills, shaking one out into the palm of a hand. Closing the bottle he'll then take said pill, dry, and swallow, clearing his throat a bit once it's gone down. Don't worry he's listening Charles, and at the last bit, the question he'll just give Charles a big grin.

Must you really ask that question? Think hard Charles, what could he be "doing".]


excessivehubris January 21 2012, 19:40:28 UTC




He scowls, blue eyes narrowing.]

I can reach you from here, Burke.

[And dear God does he want to telepathically smack you stupid. With a rage and desire he hasn't felt since Marko and Cain.]


orange_balls January 21 2012, 20:15:13 UTC
[Do it.]

Oh, Charlie. You threaten me with a fun time, lad.


excessivehubris January 21 2012, 20:22:41 UTC

No. [He says, swallowing tightly.] No, I am not ... you are not going to drag me down to your level.


orange_balls January 21 2012, 20:26:17 UTC
Too late, already did.


excessivehubris January 21 2012, 20:30:43 UTC
[Ever seen someone look like they're about to have a stroke? Charles might resemble this expression, pale face, eyes a deep set, dark and bruised blue, lips a slash of red against a completely colorless background.]

It will not, happen, again.


orange_balls January 21 2012, 20:47:42 UTC
I hear lyin' t'yourself is bad for ya.

[Charles always came back to him. He didn't even have to try. It was like a moth to a flame with him.]


excessivehubris January 21 2012, 21:05:20 UTC
I am not lying to myself.

[And if he says it enough, he might believe it because it was like a moth to a flame with it came to Burke and even now, Charles could feel the tingle of response along his spine and down his limbs.]

You got what you wanted from me, Burke. Accept that you won and leave me alone.


orange_balls January 21 2012, 21:08:40 UTC
Can't say that was ever somethin' I wanted from ya. Just a little somethin' extra y'gave me, of your own free will.

[Because his 'goal' had always been to get on Erik's nerve, but Charles had just tumbled into everything so easily. So well for him. He barely had to instigate a thing.]


excessivehubris January 21 2012, 21:13:14 UTC
[And why the HELL did that sting? Not the truth of the words but the idea that Burke ... no of course Burke had never wanted such a thing from him. Who would want ...

Charles mentally screamed at himself to stop. To just stop! Lifting his hand up to yank at his hair, a gesture he would simply have to hope Burke interpreted as annoyance at Burke himself, he then dropped his hand and glared at the device.]

I am well aware of what transpired and I am telling you, it will not happen again.


orange_balls January 21 2012, 21:30:52 UTC
[Sorry, Charles, nothing against you, he'd just never really found interest in men. But you got him curious, you kept him curious. He couldn't help it. Taking you again now, that was a whole other story.

He's had a taste and he likes it.]

I think you're lyin', right now. You enjoyed it as much as meself, if not more. Can't deny what ya want, what ya need, Charles.

[And he'll just smile, the knowing smile. He knows you'll be back, whether for that or something else, Charles finds his way to him some how.]

I'll be seein' ya, I have no doubt about that.


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