[ Normally your screen would be filled up with Jack's complete lack of shirt and skin covered from bald-head to steel toed boot in tattoos, but today it is not so. Instead, there is only
this hideous abomination. If the brightness makes your eyes bleed, we advise you to take off your 3D glasses and look away.
So here's Jack, sitting up on some roof somewhere with a cup full of eggnog, neon organge crazy straw sticking out of the plastic kiddy-cup nicked from one of the abandoned restaurants. It took a good deal of trail and error to realize the champagne wasn't champagne, so suffice to say, not only is she pissed, she's also hungover. ]
Hey, congratulations, Abax, you're now even more retarded than Coruscant. So guess a medal or trophy or bumper sticker is in order. Hey, be proud, that's not easy, just considering the population alone. [ She pauses for a second, sipping loud and obnoxious at the straw between her lips. ] Speaking of which, Captain Winnifred? Winndixie? Winchester? Is that dumbshit running around anywhere? I've got a lead pipe that's got a date with his cranium. Yeah. Don't think I forgot just because of the space-time wrap dance.
[ A pause and another loud sip before she frowns. ]
Also, whoever spiked the eggnog? Thanks. Whoever put hangover juice in the champagne? Fuck you too, jackass.