[ Good evening Abax. Again. It seems a certain someone has a penchant for making things late at night, out of insomnia rather than anything else. While Erik has been quiet on the activity front, that doesn't mean he hasn't been paying attention to what's been going on, which unfortunately has turned him into more of a recluse than anything else.
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[Unfortunately, Sofia can't hold in her laughter over this person's idea. It's rather amusing, actually.]
That article of clothing may have been quite hideous, but it was just an article of clothing. I would think the feelings of... dislike over it would have dissipated once removed.
I'm well aware of that my dear, but one never knows if they'll fully recover. Wouldn't want to simply assume they're perfectly satisfied by now.
I believe someone has to be if we have any chance of getting out alive.
It is good to see someone so selfless. Though I would be careful as to those you would place your trust in. [It's a friendly warning, if anything.]
Now, may I put a name to your face, signore?
I find it rather difficult to place my trust in nearly anyone here, and the absolute faith that anyone's as competent as I'd like to hope.
But as it is, hope is worth something in this city at least.
I can only say that people... they may surprise you from time to time. [She seems a little offended at what he said.] Though, perhaps you haven't met the right people yet. As for hope-- it is all we can believe in, being trapped here.
It appears the city, for all its turns and surprises felt the need to add on one more -- a twin of mine, so to speak. [ Pursing his lips, it's evident Erik is at least annoyed by the situation, though he'll cope with it. Eventually. ]
At the very least, finding out I have a twin is most certainly the most surprising result I've faced here, the rest of the inhabitants not withstanding. If you'll believe in hope then perhaps I might be able to as well.
This is a strange place, indeed. [She agrees with a nod.] In addition to finding a copy of yourself, it seems to be possible for those believed to be dead to be brought here as well. [There is slight pause as her voice seems to change just a tiny bit. There is a hint of sadness there.] Even those who are from your own world, but from different points in time.
I may be prying too much, but is your... twin... alike to you in just appearance or are your personalities similar as well?
Rather similar to Abax, assuming the city hadn't fallen into decay as it has right now. A city like this must have been a sight to see in the past.
[ Erik nods though, because he's heard that go through the first time he's made a post. ] So I've heard. I know of one here that found a fallen compatriot of theirs; I assume you have as well?
My companion and I... [ Erik hesitates, it's not that she's prying too much, it's more he doesn't know where to begin with explaining. ], I suppose there are similarities in personality, though we're still on the verge of understanding each other. I imagine it will take time for us.
I am not sure what you mean... this city is quite the sight to behold as it is now. I have never seen anything like what I have seen in this city. [Because she's from the 16th century.]
Si. I have met someone I believed to be deceased, but here he is-- alive and well. It is quite strange. [She frowns for a moment. She is still a bit bothered by it, but since he is alive, she's more relieved than anything else.]
I wish you luck, then.
Can I ask where you're from then? [ For someone from the 1960s, this certainly isn't much of a difference, it's a jarring shock, but one he's at least adapting to. ] If you have yet to adjust to the city, for all its strange behaviors.
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