001 ❧ [ Video ]

Dec 21, 2011 20:11

[ When the video turns on, there’s a rather quick glimpse of, well, breasts but the view last only for a few seconds and not enough to make the view clear, before the image is replaced by a rather young woman with pale skin and bright grey-blue eyes. ]

I really have no idea what is going on here, but waking up here…after what I have just gone through, is not exactly the best situation and if this is some sort of joke, it’s quite a twisted one and I don’t appreciate it one bit.

[ She frowns a bit, there could also be the chance that a certain sorceress might be messing with her mind again, but that can’t be since they had just, well, killed her and it was practically impossible right? ]

I will also appreciate if you can give return my stuff, as if waking in a…well in this place hadn’t been enough, I have also been robbed. Squall…if you can hear or see this can---no wait… [She is currently kind of naked, so NO she can’t have Squall coming. ] Selphie if you are around or anything, I need some help here, someone really owes me a huge explanation.

[ The young woman seems to be ready to turn off the feed when she suddenly seems to consider it better, she bites her lower lip and looks around one last time, this place is just freaking her out and she has a horrible hunch about her friends, oh dear Hyne, is she being punished? ]

But…ah, if anyone can hear me and help me out a bit, I will also appreciate it. I will also be quite thankful if I’m provided with clothing…please…

[ With a small nod and hoping for the best, she ends her call and will wait to see what happens. ]

final fantasy: rinoa heartilly, moon child: sho ito, star trek: christine chapel [au], axis powers hetalia: denmark

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