[video] One - Introduction.

Dec 20, 2011 19:25

[The screen on the phone clicks on for a moment to show a young teenage girl in a pair of pajamas, with short blonde hair, considering the screen. Her eyes are purple, slightly narrowed, and they flick around as she studies the device carefully. After a few seconds, her palm covers the camera, and a second later it clicks off.]

[Half an hour later there is a text transmission.]

I have spent some time reviewing the transmissions on these phones.
I felt it would avoid the more obvious conversational patterns that are bound to happen each time someone finds themselves trapped in a mysterious world bereft of answers or belongings and left to make do as they will.
So we can skip the 'where am I, I don't understand, why am I in my pajamas' questions and the obvious embarrassment, confusion and anguish one feels about being labeled as dead, and move right into the heart of the matter.
Has anyone determined why we are here?

Actually, on consideration...is there anything we are supposed to do with these toe tags?
I'd hate to discard it only to discover I have to be officially deceased in order to buy milk.

[And a few minutes later, filtered to John Egbert.]

If you are still here.

misfits: simon bellamy, homestuck: rose lalonde

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