00001: voice -> video

Dec 06, 2011 01:57

[Of course, the first thing Rebecca Crane's hand is going to seek is technology. She's attempted to dial Shaun's phone number, then William's, then, hell, even HQ's.

Nothing. Zilch. Bupkus.]

Ah, man.

[It's certainly cold and dark in here; that's only an issue when she sits up and the paper gown gaps. Then she sees the toe tag.]

SHIT. Desmond? Shaun? Bill? I can't even handle this. This is off the--

[Okay, no, you know what? She's got a goddamn phone and like the GODDAMN BATMAN she is going to use that sucker. A few light touches later, the phone brings her face up for the world to see--sans headphones. She only looks mildly freaked out.]

Yo, guys? I could use some info. What the heck's going on? I don't wanna complain, but I've got a real problem with this.

assassin's creed: desmond miles, assassin's creed: rebecca crane, assassin's creed: giovanni auditore

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