[It's really muffled at first, mostly because Sean's still trying to figure the damned thing out, and what button did what. It was still incredibly confusing to him, but he's getting the hang of it. For now, he's wandering around the city in some clothes that he found at a shop (which he is so happy for fff), taking a few moments to stare up at the
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[Yes, you're distressed, Sean. But first things first, he needs information. He wonders if anyone is from his timeline.]
Being back at the mansion after ... everything. The war being stopped, and ... Charles not being able to walk anymore.
What do you mean, Charles can't walk any more.
[His voice is dangerously even. If Sean is telling the truth, he'll make sure that whoever did it is dead.]
Well -- it's a little complicated. I, um. I don't really want to talk about it.
[It meant that Erik was different -- he hadn't left them where he came from, somehow. Times must have been messed up. It was impossible, but Erik really didn't look like he was joking around about not remembering.]
[Erik wants to push--hard, to find out exactly what Sean is talking about, to get to the root of it all.
--but they have more important things to worry about. And there is a twist in his gut that tells him that maybe he doesn't need to know the truth about the future, just yet. Past Shaw.]
But fine. We have bigger issues to deal with. Like how we all got here. And for what purpose.
Well, they took us in groups, right? I wonder how they have access to that much power.
[Erik shook his head, his voice hard.]
No one is going to round up and imprison us, Sean, and get away with it.
[He looks worried, though.]
I just think it's weird, y'know?. Whoever's taken us -- they're not showin' their faces.
[He presses his lips together.]
They are watching, waiting somewhere. By allowing us time to fester, to brood--to run amok, they are allowing fear to build, chaos. So that when they come in, promising 'order', and answers...people will listen.
Some will even look to them as their saviors.
[The way Erik just described it was so odd and made sense but ... still odd.]
Donno -- I think anyone who showed up here wouldn't see anyone as saviors, since they'd be the ones that took us, right?
Some place that makes this seem like a refuge.
Optimism is Charles's realm.
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