
Jan 22, 2012 11:40

[Oh hey look it's Zevran. And he seems to have the hang of his phone, finally. He's also no longer in the Morgue, and instead appears to be browsing one of the clothing stores... In what appears to be the Women's Shoes department.]

[He's examining a pair of brown, pleather boots, frowning slightly.]

A question, if I may.

[He flicks a hand ( Read more... )

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Comments 35

urnotafraid January 22 2012, 21:33:09 UTC

If you're use to home made leather, the stuff you'll find in a store will always be weird. It had been treated and made by a machine and it's always inferior unless you know where to go.

...Why are you looking at women's boots anyways? Those things will fall apart with a sneeze.


mmmleather January 22 2012, 23:50:21 UTC
Made... by a machine? You speak very strangely, my friend.

[He blinks, and then looks at the boots again.]

They are boots, are they not? How is there a difference?


urnotafraid January 23 2012, 00:18:05 UTC
They have these huge factories and everything it processed through a machine so they can make the leather faster.

[ Laughs. ]

Higher price for shoddier work. Also let's not forget the fact they make women's shoes smaller and they add heels to them.


mmmleather January 23 2012, 00:21:34 UTC
What a strange world this is...

[He quirks an eyebrow.]

Ah, I suppose that does explain some things. I had thought there were simply inefficient weapons attached to some of these boots.


nodaisybell January 22 2012, 22:49:48 UTC

I'm gonna take a leap and say you're not from around this time. Welcome to the age of the synthetic, I guess.

Anyway, you're probably not gonna find leather shoes anywhere, but there's a few places you can find jackets. I didn't exactly look for leather pants, but they probably exist.


mmmleather January 22 2012, 23:51:58 UTC
You would be correct, I think.

[Then he grins.]

Oh ho. Leather pants you say? Now, there is something I would not mind getting into.

[Somehow, he manages to make that phrase a lot more suggestive than it should be.]


token_vengeance January 23 2012, 01:02:03 UTC

Why is it so important?


mmmleather January 23 2012, 04:06:59 UTC
Because a man is naked without a proper pair of boots. Have you not heard?


token_vengeance January 23 2012, 04:07:51 UTC
No, I haven't.

Though I would say I'm partial to a nice pair of ankle boots.


mmmleather January 23 2012, 04:09:56 UTC
Are you now? Mmm... yes. I could see that.

So! In that vein, where would I find these... ankle boots you speak of?


happyduckbutt January 23 2012, 02:09:32 UTC

...those look like girl shoes.


mmmleather January 23 2012, 04:07:37 UTC
... Is... there a difference?

[Women's shoes in Thedas were a little bit more... obvious.]


happyduckbutt January 23 2012, 05:36:31 UTC
Pretty sure? I'm no expert, but then there's usually a definite shape difference.

[So says the kid that comes from a world where everyone has balloon feet.]


mmmleather January 23 2012, 05:45:18 UTC
But they lack the gaudy buckles and needless shiny parts.


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