Characters: Aleena Aria & Wrex
When: Now
Where: The dark cold streets of Abax
What: Aria hasn't seen her old friend in a while, and that's just terrible
Open or Closed? Closed
Rating/Warnings badasses, quads, alien ust
[Things were different here, this wasn't Omega. Yet, there were still certain habits that Aria T'Loak preferred not to let fall by the wayside, no matter where she ended up. One of those habits was keeping an eye on people, not letting a single scrap of potentially valuable information slip by her. That little detail included keeping an eye on the people she considered enemies, and even those she considered friends. Then there was Wrex, the krogan that fell someone in the middle of those two extremes.
Some called her paranoid, but she saw it as survival. You don't live as long as she has by being careless and comfortable around people. So when Wrex seemingly fell off the grid after his first address to the network, of course Aria would be concerned, and if the old krogan wasn't going to come out and talk, she would go and find him herself. And so here she was, walking through the small limits that the city had allowed them, asking around and looking for a giant turtle monster.]