Aug 01, 2005 00:43
Only speak when you have something good to say...
I know I haven't muttered a livejournal word in forever, but I feel inclined to write something in this thing tonight. Summer has been interesting for me. Nothing spectacular, but at the same time not so bad either. With such a huge life change approaching, I don't mind having some downtime to gather myself. I use to fear this kind of downtime. I used to get depressed whenever I wasn't making valuable use of my free time. I would feel overwhelmingly worthless. But that doesn't seem to be the case this time. I like having time to see people. If I haven't seen you this summer, get in touch with me.
I'm really excited for college. I'm really scared for college.
I think the excitement outweighs the fear 99.9% of the time, but every once in awhile it dawns on me that come this fall, I won't be going back to B-CC to be with my friends. I won't be in any more B-CC theater productions or sing in any more B-CC madrigals performances. I won't get to go to out to lunch in Bethesda whenever I want or go on desperate searches for a parking spot. Some of those things were big parts of my life and some were minor details, but all were things that I took comfort in whether I acknowledged it or not. Never underestimate the comforting powers of a routine.
So how does one overcome that .1% of fear? I try to keep in mind that I will be forming new routines and I will take comfort in different things. When it comes down to it, college is not an experience to fear, its too damn expensive!
On a completely different note, i've had kind of a bad past month in respect to various things. If you know what i'm talking about, i'm sorry to anyone i've snapped at or been cruel towards. If you don't know what i'm talking about, whew!
Anyways, I want the livejournal peeps to know that even though I rarely post anything, I still read my friends' entries quite often. Yes, I too am a creepy stalker. Cherish these words, for they will be few and far between.