I started writing my analysis for my Prob & Stat final project and this is what happened.

Jan 18, 2006 23:36

What is interesting about my project is that, although containing 31 questions total, only eight questions actually matter, as well as some outside interperative data based upon the comments left on the page. Another thing that is interesting is that, although complete with even a LOT of extra credit (and time) put into my project, nothing matters anyways. Because hard work never pays off if the Technological Gods hate you. You can work as hard as you want but in the end, your computer will eat it anyways because it is a Super Evil Nasty Bitch filled to the brim with viruses (probably because it gets around because it’s a slut and chooses to not have safe downloading with your sister). So you can try and recover your document, but have fun reading 758#^*&%6563565*&^*& code. Once you decipher it, the words will look as thus: therearenospacesorpunctuationherebecausecomputersdonthavephdsinenglishsotheydonotknowthemeaningofthetermcommaorapostropheorspacebecausethosearethingsthatmerehumansuseandbythewaytheyalsodothistobeanasshole. So the only thing to do is download Kazzaa, in order to download a bootleg copy of Microsoft Excel (because, the way those kiniving Gods made it, Works Excel is not compatable with Microsoft Excel). Then you will be yelled at by your father for downloading such things, even though it doesn’t matter because it’s like adding a drop of water to the Pacific Ocean: your computer is already a magical plethora of fantastical viruses anyways. But then you know what happens? You get arrested for bootleg downloading and file sharing. And become imprisoned, which is a fat black mark on you college application.

Writing stuff like this only makes the Technological Gods even more angry, so they lash out and punish you by deciding that Y2K comes NOW. And then EVERYONE’S computer crashes and street light don’t work, people die in car accidents, rapists and serial killers go on crazy rampages, your cat pees in your bed, and then the world implodes.

"Hello, my name is Julia Reimers. That’s right THE Julia Reimers. The one that brought Arrmaggedon to Earth early. The world is ending. I hope you enjoy it. I say sit back, open some beers, watch the sun rise and the carnage that preceeds the end of the everything."

The point of this story? Not to plan ahead and avoid procrastination. Not to always have virus and spyware protection to defend yourselves against virus attacks. Not to never carelessly download things or let other certain individuals in your house do so on your computer network. The message of this story is thus: extra credit doesn’t help you get better grades to get into college. It puts you in jail so that no one will accept you. And then destroys Earth. The End.

Dude, you have no idea how much better I felt after writing this.
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