♡ ワッハッハー ♡

Feb 29, 2008 23:46

Right now while I'm writing this entry I'm watching the Wahhahhaa PV for 564683251 time... or so. XD It's so adorable, cute and cracky. *___*
Eito PVs are the best... really. When I heard this song for the first time I... well... thought it was okay, but nothing special. Then it slowly it grew on me and now that I watched the PV on (almost) endless repeat I actually began to love this songs to bits.

I planned to make screen shots of my favourite scenes of the PV... which ended up in 63 in number. O__O; I couldn't help it... there too many scenes screen shot worthy. XDD
You probably already read lots of flailing abut the PV and might be sick of it... so feel free to ignore this post.
It'll only contain more flailing, lots and lots of pictures (mainly Yasu and Subaru - because I'm biased like this XD) and mild bashing (because I like to tease those I love ♥). The more I love you, the more I tease you. XD

'Uh... hello Mr. Vacuum.' 6,6
Subaru found a new friend? XDD

Nice pose Subaru. Makes me want to pinch or slap you. XD Oh... hi Yasu and Yoko I hardly noticed you. XDv

*is fascinated by the way Subaru tries to clean the mirror* XD

What a girl. O_o; ... XD

Yasu is being manic ninja and Tacchon is proud of his freshly shaved legs. XD *shot*

Oww~ ó_Ò Poor Maru. *pets* XDDD I can't help it but finding this amusing... I shouldn't, ne. XD

Yah~ Subaru! Du bist so sexy wenn du Luftgi... eh ... Besen spielst! XDD

I don't now why, but I love how Subaru looks when he has this distressed expression. XDD

Uwhaaa~ *hides* O__O;

(Stopped watching the PV, since it is slightly distracting, when writing. XD)

'Y-y-yes masterrr~!' *pets Quasimodo Ohkura*
Yoko looks like a grumpy bouncer ready to throw you of wherever. XDDv

Damn! >_< I don't want to stare at Yoko's ass. O_O; .... ;__;°

Yeah... this long. I believe you Yasu. *cough* XD

OMG no! It's B-GATAN! Run!

Whahahaha~ XDD I loved this scene. XD

'Hi! My name is Tadayoshi and I'm a ninja.' ^.^
:3 ♥

...a stoned ninja, o____O; ... XD



asdasdfghhfghjklfdcx,jknhg *___* Here comes my star of this PV! *__* I want to have this toy hammer. ♥ You don't want to know how much I flailed about this hammer in RL. *___*

'Get the hands off Tacchon's hammer!'

Awwww~ *____* *dies off the cute*

There... There it is again. *grabby hands* *_____*/)

Hina will... uhm... eat you if you leave any mean comments for this post. XD *rawr* ^^'

o____o; *blinks* o_o;

OMG OMG OMG! Yasu looks like his going to attack Ohkura and bite his head off or something. XDD ...and Subaru's expression is just priceless. XDv

'Take this!' >_<

Haha~ Subaru-groub molesting. XDD ♥ He looks like he's in pain. Tsk, Yasu! *shakes head*
And Maru's kissy-kissy-face... XD ♥

...and whack-a-dwarf continues. XD *still wants to have this hammer* XDD

'Me is ninja, too.'
^___^ Kawaii~ Maru-chan! ♥

Flying monkey-face Subaru ftw! XD

Bubbles! *_____*

Who managed to knock over this life-size doll of Maru? This blank stare is kind of scary. o_ò *pokes Maru* Hey! You! Alive?! o_O

ニヒルな笑顔 (=nihilistic smile)
Well... I don't know this is how a nihilistic smile has to look like. ^^'

Ahahaha~ that squint. ♥ He kind of reminds me of a hamster on this one... a squinting one. XDv

苦笑い (=bitter/forced smile)

かわいい笑顔 (=cute smile)

Hahaha~ Ryo molesting Yasu. ♥

'I want to be a ninja too!'
'But you can't! : DDD


'Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!'


BIGBLACKBLOTき笑い... can't read the first kanji. u_u

Now to my favourite part of the PV. *cough* XD

*dies* +__+
SUBARU! *________* He looks like in his teen/very early twenties. *flails* *___*; *loves teen baru* Only that I don't have to feel bad for being pedo or anything... XD ...since he's my age. Yay! XD
Pic 1: 'Baru?'
Pic 2: '...or Tacchon?!' >_>
Pic 3: 'asasdffdgghfdsadg!' *brain fried*
Hey! Maru! You can have both. *winks* XDD

'Stop that!'
'Huh? Me? What?' *whistles*

No I won't flail about this hammer again. But... *_____*;
OMFG Baru! XDD ♥ Yasu looks like he's in pain now. o_o;

SQUEEEEEEEEEE~ *flail* *falls over* *o*; I so want to have an icon ot of this. XD So cute° *___*;

'I can has crooked face like Tacchon.'

Haha~ this expression as if he's going 'Whoohoo'. XDDD

Zombie Maru is going to get YOU! Mwhahahahahaha~ XD

No! Tacchon! Don't hit yourself with that. (Yah~ I know it feels funny... but... NO!)

Another Subassan moment. :D

のっぺり笑い (=blank smile?)
This?! Blank?! XDD Sure...

Again I can't read the first kanji... well... blah. XD

爽やか笑顔 (=refreshing smile
o_O Uhm... yeah. Totally agree. *coughs*

*brain dead*


'My name is Suba-chan! And I am twelve.'

Adorable! *___* *sparkles*

Maya Yasu the bee. ♥ So... cute. Normally I'm extremely afraid of bees, wasps and the like, but not of this one- *feels the urge to glomp it* *___*

I haven't thought that this post would take up that much time. *sweats*
*hurries to make the voting post at jrs_awards*
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