Today I started my new job. I am the IT department at
Universal Settlements International Inc. They hired me to build them an online app for clients to review their investments, but they also have other things they want me to work on.
Not much to do on the first day. Resolved a few computer annoyances, listened to one of the ladies' story of her uncle's death and recessitation at a familly party, peeked into the Access database I'll be working on, and made a wishlist for the computer they'll be getting me. My desk arrived, but we didn't have any tools to assemble it. Fortunately, some of the other employees weren't there, so I could sit at one of their desks and play on the computer sitting on it.
Back to this wishlist, I made it with a desktop in mind, but as I thought more about it, I think I would be better off with a laptop. And
masterslacker added to the convincing.
There are many pros and cons for each, but the two major ones in favour of desktop are more {power, speed, memory} for the same price as for a lesser laptop, and desktops are more modular (or rather, more easily upgradable) than laptops. Major points in favour of laptops : portability (somehow I always manage to bring my work home, so this would make it less painful -- I may want to work from home instead of at the office on some days).
Anyways, does anyone have any thought as to whether I should ask for a laptop or a desktop? And if I do get a laptop, any brand I should consider or stay away from? Any other advice regarding choosing a laptop?