What do you post about in your journal?: Fandom babbles and real-life talk usually mixed together in a ramble.
Other Interests: cosplay, books, my pets
What sites are you the most active on? Are there any sites you prefer to be friended on over others?: Livejournal, Plurk and Dreamwidth. I have a Tumblr I constantly post on, but I don't really follow people with it. But I'd love friends on LJ, DW or Plurk.
Age: Ancient as a Dinosaur 30
Favorite Pokemon: Braviary
Favorite Pokemon Type: Flying and Fire
Favorite Pokemon Game: Pokemon BW
Have you picked your XY starter? Which one?: Fennekin, but I love the others a lot as well and will probably play again with each one.
Other Fandoms: Adventure Time, Disney/Pixar movies, Disney Ducks comics, Hetalia
Favorite characters: Ice King, Princess Bubblegum, Donald Duck, Scrooge McDuck, America, England, Prussia, Japan
Favorite pairings: Ice King/Happiness, Bubblegum/Marceline, Calhoun/Felix, Scrooge McDuck/Glittering Goldie, America/England, Sweden/Finland
What do you post about in your journal?: Fandom babbles and real-life talk usually mixed together in a ramble.
Other Interests: cosplay, books, my pets
What sites are you the most active on? Are there any sites you prefer to be friended on over others?: Livejournal, Plurk and Dreamwidth. I have a Tumblr I constantly post on, but I don't really follow people with it. But I'd love friends on LJ, DW or Plurk.
Anything else?:
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