Dec 28, 2009 04:20
I normally never do this sort of friends cut, but my friendslist is just getting too massive for me to keep up on and whatnot. So, I trimmed some people I just never felt I ever connected with. If you were removed, it was seriously nothing personal, but was probably because 1) we never really connected or had much in common, 2) your journal seems dead, 3) we seem to have lost touch, or 4) we never seemed to comment in each others' journals at all.
If I've removed you, please remove me too. However if you feel I've made a mistake (which is possible since it's late and I'm drugged up on pain killer) or you'd like to give it another try, feel free to reply again to my friends only post.
(also, for anyone who would like a free pass to leave for any reason, feel free to defriend me at this time too.)