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Feb 19, 2008 23:02

So, this is really to organize my thoughts over planning for classes for next quarter, but feel free to comment.

So, I am continuing Hebrew and I have to continue SOSC. The section of SOSC I carry on to is Democracy in Education, which is the whole reason I took the class, but I am thinking about maybe switching to another section...one is going to be about looking at specific Chicago neighborhoods and I cannot remember what the other two are about. But, mine does have one of the best times.

So, that leaves me with two other class spots to fill. I really want to take Mearsheimer's Seminar on Realism, because it should be fantastic. But, it only has 25 spots. But, I intend on bidding for it. It is 3 1/2 on one day though. It should be worth it.

I also should take (if it counts toward NELC) Seminar on the Problems of Human Geography in the Middle East. That is capped at 12 though, so we will see if I get that.

Also, I could take Empire and Intimacy: Race and Sexual Fantasy in European Literature. But, then I would have three T/TH classes again and that makes for long days. Plus, it is an English class, which means lots of reading and writing, especially on top of the other classes I am considering and SOSC.

I did want to take Anthropology of Food and Cuisine, but I am not a huge fan of the course description. I may still put it on my bid list.

So, basically, if I get into the Paris IS program, that means, I just need to take one more quarter of Hebrew after this year (or test for proficiency, but that would mean that I would have to then find another NELC elective, which may be hard, but I could always take one of Neta Stahl's Hebrew lit classes as the elective...or a class of Orit Bashkin), one NELC elective (which I could make into BA preparation in winter of fourth-year, which is basically time to work on my BA thesis...but I should meet more NELC profs, since I will need one to be my BA advisor. But, the seminar I want to take is not officially in the NELC dept, so that doesn't help that, but the seminar sounds so interesting. I could just have my NELC BA advisor not be my primary one? or if worse comes to worse, I could always drop this as a major, because I will only get one degree, but I do not want to do this), two IS elective in specific parts of the major (Realism counts and the English class counts and Food and Cuisine counts as do many other interesting looking things) and then a BA seminar in both majors.

Seventh quarter of Hebrew and BA seminars are going to be Fall 09, because they have to be. Fall 09, there is a specific IS class I want to take too. So, with basically one NELC class and two IS (assuming my study abroad applications go the way I want them to) I cannot decide if I should take two IS classes next quarter (Realism and the English class (if I get in to both)) or the seminar on Middle East and an IS class. All I actually know for sure is that I am auditing French, but I am unsure of which section yet. Or I can take Politics of the Hip Hop Generation or The Democratic Peace and its Discontents, which count for neither major, but sound really interesting.
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