(no subject)

Oct 01, 2009 03:28

This past weekend hyacintheraven and I celebrated our 1st wedding anniversary.  hyacintheraven got us a cake that was a small-scale replica of our wedding cake...damn good, once again (and almost gone ;) )...and then, we had a dinner of the gods...delivery of food from Melt.

One of our gutters got loose from some rotting wood and was hanging down the back of our house.  It's gonna be fixed perhaps this weekend, though.

I'm going to probably go to the Bela Dubby for a big 'ol noise show...and then hit The Chamber on Saturday.   I'm going to also be flying out to LA on Wednesday evening (the 7th) to visit seamusthervet for a few days (his bday is on Sunday the 11th) and some friends..gonna fly back on Monday 12th at night on a red-eye.

Good to see some upcoming shows...(gonna miss Missile Command on the 9th, alas, as I'll be in L.A.)....The Damned and Skinny Puppy playing shows at the House of Blues..a reunion of local noise/experimental band Jerk at Now That's Class...Informatik at The Phantasy & Nitzer Ebb (about time) playing here at Peabody's.  Hopefully, I'll have enough $ to hit all of these shows.

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