Jun 26, 2003 17:05

Went to see Finding Nemo with my sister. Then after that she took me to go drive. Which is so totally awesome! It was fun. I can't wait till I freakin' drive, seriously, it's gonna be so much fun. I can have all these friends with me. It would be cool. I can't wait. Haha ... so anyway nothing really much after that. I then came home after all that. Then went to my room and slept for about 2 hours. Last night I snuck out around 12 went to the living room saw bree and felix there. So we decided to join them. Me and monica went to go get coffee and devin and charles were doing something with cards. So we are all out. It's about 1:45 so we head off to taco bell. Since my mom didn't know I was out we decided to stay out till like 3:30 we went to the beach and we were just all talking and stuff. Then charles ask's us what we are most afraid of and I was like "i'm scared of flying insects." and he's all "WHAT?!?!?" and i'm like "nothing *looks away*" so then monica told him and he started to laugh. Well yeah it's dumb to be afraid of but hey! people are scared of other things. But it doesn't matter they like fly on poo and all that shit ... and they fly in your hair and into your mouth and up your nose. It's scary haha. Well anyway I told him I was afraid of whales too and he's like "how can you be afraid of whales" and i'm all "I don't know" Then he's like "i'm scared of sharks" well hell I think most people are scared of sharks. I sure as hell am too hahaha ... i'm scared of alot of things. I'm scared of like scorpions. Anyway then we were talking about death and suicide. I told them I wanted to see someone commit suicide off the Cornodo bridge. Devin said most of them are still alive but with many broken bones. He also said only if you do like a belly flop onto the water then you would die because all your bones would crush. Well I knew that one but oh well. Then charles was like "what if like someone put there jacket over there head to slow them down" like a parachute meaning wise. Then I was like "it would be funny if everyone just carryed parachuhtes" Well I mean it would. So then we start to leave and we are on our way home just talking about things and I arrive to my house sneak back in around 3:30 and then go to my bedroom and then come to the comp. I went to bed like around 4:30 well alrght I better go. Later.
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