I find it odd

Dec 27, 2007 21:20

I'm one of those people who finds that you can always learn something from the past. No matter what type of experience it is. A trip, a relationship, a friend, a class, hell even a movie.   No matter what type of situation or event occurs, you can always pull something positive from it.  Which is why  think I always did well in history classes. Because if you dont learn from the past, you're going to be doomed to repeat it.

And I know that as cliché as that statement is, its true.  Example: you were in a relationship that ended because of communication problems. So  some people would look at that as a waste of time.  I see that you can still take away something positive from a horrible situation.  Communication problems, find what exactly was wrong on your part, and learn about it. Improve from it.  At least, thats my outlook on the issue.

A lot has happened to me this year. A lot of bad shit.  At one point during the worst of it, back around march, a family member who was very sad about the issue turned to me and asked me why I was so nonchalant about it. And I asked them why I should waste time being worried or being sad about something when I can spend that same energy I'd be wasting into doing something productive.

Instead of wasting time being sad about the fact that I didnt have any friends anymore, I decided to look at the friends I did still have and why they stuck by me. Then, once I'd found out why those people stuck by me, I realized numerous things about myself, and the way I treated people in general.  Since that realization, I think I've grown a lot as a person, but thats not what this is about right now. That's for a later topic.

So, what inspired this is partially is half a history channel commercial saying how we've come so far from learning from the past, and half a shit-load of depressing myspace bulletins filling up my home page.  I guess what I'm getting at is:

Think of how much you can actually work on yourself if you take the energy you're using to be sad, and actually focus on the things you can fix, or make better.

or if you need it said i another way;

Dont waste time on things you cant change. I know sounds cruel, but think about it. If a girl you really like is deciding between you and another guy, you know what? Its not your choice. Present your case, be yourself, make her smile all you want. But in the end, its her choice.  So dont waste time worrying about what shes going to do. Its not in your hands. So use the time you're spending productively, it can really turn your whole outlook on life around.  Or maybe, thats just me, ya know?

Oh well. Thats that.  Thanks for reading. 
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