We said good-bye to two of our three kittens today. A friend of Heidi's took Panda Bear and Braveheart (yes, I know you're not supposed to name them if you are giving them away...). *tear* This lady will be really good to them, though. Heidi said that she has already gotten them cat beds and has a vet appointment lined up for the morning. They will be happy. I will be sad. lol.
Last night, I had a bad asthma attack and had to go to the e.r. I friggin love that place. Especially when I get to go there in the middle of the night with a sleeping baby. Awesome.
So, we decided that it was time to send our little pals on their merry ways. They are about six weeks, anyways, so it is time. I already miss them, though. They were so friggin cute.
We still have one little guy left. If anybody knows of a good home for
this adorable tiger kitten, let me know. I'd prefer if it went to somebody I knew (or sort of knew). Thanks.