1. How many kids do you have? ~1
2. How old? ~11 months
3. How old were you when you got pregnant? ~21
4. How old were you when you had your baby?~22
5. Was the pregnancy planned? ~No
6. How long did it take you to find out you were pregnant?
~I had a feeling I was pregnant on the first day of my first missed. I was!
8. How did you tell your parents? ~Very carefully...haha.. in person.
9. How did your parents take the news? ~They were shocked.
10. How did you tell the baby's father? ~After confirming my suspicions with two separate tests, I left the potty and yelled at Brad to get off of the phone. Then, I freaked out and said I was pregnant.
11. What did the father say when you told him? He congratulated me. lol.
12. Did he suggest an abortion? ~No, he hated that idea.
13. Did you have any weird cravings? ~Bleach and ice.
14. Did you have a baby shower? ~Yes, I had a wonderful shower.
15. Where did you have your baby shower? ~My parent's house.
16. Who hosted your shower? ~My mom and sisters.
17. Was your baby shower a surprise? ~No.
18. What sex were you hoping for? ~I wasn't hoping either way.
19. What is the sex of your baby? ~He's a boy!
20. How many months were you when you had the baby?
~Henry came right on his due date! I was 40 weeks along.
21. Which hospital did you give birth at?~Frisbee Memorial Hospital, NH.
22. How did you realize you were in labor? ~My water broke.
23. How long did you push for?
~I ended up having a c-section cause his heart rate was dropping.
24. How many hours were you in labor? ~13ish
25. Did you have any complications during labor?
~Henry's heart rate dropped as my labor progressed so I had to have an emergency c-section.
26. Did you take any drugs?
~Yes, I was given pitocin to speed up the labor and an epidural to help with the pain. Oh man, it was so painful before that epidural!
27. Do you have any weird labor stories?
~I thought Henry was going to be huge cause all the male babies on both his father and my own side of the family are always born weighing at least 10 pounds. When they pulled him out, I asked how much he weighed and they said 5'15. I was so shocked I thought they must have grabbed the wrong kid.
28. Did the father make it to the delivery room? ~Yep, he was great.
29. Who was in the delivery room? ~A million nurses, doctors, and Brad.
30. Who cut the cord? ~Doctor. They wouldn't let Brad do it cause it was a sterile environment because of the c-section.
31. What is your baby's name? ~Henry James
32. How much did they weigh? ~5 pounds 15 ounces.
33. How many inches? ~19.25
34. Do you plan to have more kids? ~Yes!
35. If so, when? ~When we can afford to.