(no subject)

Oct 06, 2008 21:53

Hi! I've been distracted by offline concerns lately and am way behind on reading and commenting on your LJ posts--very sorry! Will have to remedy that--but not tonight. Quickie update instead:

Last night, I attended a Sigur Rós concert (band from Iceland). I love their music. They played in the concert hall where the Seattle Symphony plays.

I've gone back to school on Tuesday nights. It's a class in Grammar--such fun! My aim is to earn a certificate in Editing. Its through the adult extension program at U of Washington.

One of my brothers up here proposed to his girlfriend. So there's going to be a wedding! No details yet.

My mom didn't quite make it to her 80th birthday party when I was down in California. Instead, she had another fall and we spent the party time gathered in the hospital. It was still fun to see the rest of my family. Today, ten days later, she was supposed to leave and return to the facility where she's been living. No info on how that went.

Last, I held my little two-week old nephew for four hours yesterday while his mom showered, paid bills, watered plants, etc. The things I take for granted. It's so cool to hold a newborn baby.

We have the whole circle of life in play right now, kiddies.
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