More photos from Dragon*Con 2008

Sep 01, 2008 08:49

This is traveling day so it's back to the west coast. I'll do another post later this week with photos of different costumes from various fandoms.

My friend rakshi put up some really cute ones I somehow got of Sean grinning in this entry.

Sean's gallery on Rakshi's web site is here. All the photos there now were taken by me but I didn't do any of the color or lighting correction.

This is Rakshi as Sam with me as Frodo. Sam is fanboying the scruffy Ranger.

Two generations of Gandalfs.

A very fine King Aragorn and Legolas waiting for the parade to begin.

Another view of Aragorn and Legolas.

The Lady Galadriel says "Namárië" until next year.

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