Nov 10, 2004 02:24
In one word, how do you explain life? In one single adjective. Let's see...mine would probably be CONFUSING! No, there isn't much going on right now that would make me like super crazy confused or anything. Things are going well. Actually...they are going quite well. And no, there isn't anything too exciting or new, just the same old stuff. I'm having a great time here in Tallahassee. So I guess these are the confusing parts of life.
What I'm going to be when I grow up. HA! Like I know! I just now have decided on a major. And I'm pretty sure that it is the final one. English. I love literature, and I have reasoned that I can do something with a degree in that. On the other hand, I want to go to Culinary school. But I don't if that is just a hobby or a career thing. But I must admit I'm really excited about my choice of major. I think I'll be content.
People, in general. Friends, family, the opposite sex...all of 'em. They are confusing. Sometimes you think you have this great wonderful friend and the next thing you know you barely talk to them. And you can't possibly think of what happened. Maybe they are just busy. Maybe you two just grew apart. Who knows. Just to note, it's not a bad thing, nor is it some weird thing that I'm "angry." Whatever. I realized some of those who you thought were close, really aren't. Don't rely on them forever. Some come and go. In the end, the best friends will be there.
**Side note** Why does a boy feel it's necessary to leave out the fact that he already has a significant other. Like, how does that NOT come up in conversation?? Oh yeah, and word to the wise, if they blow you off when they promise to come over, and they know it means something to you...ditch 'em. He isn't worth it. Now it is humorous though.
Oh yeah, school has been going well for me lately. Hopefully for you guys it is going the same way. I'm hopeful for my grades this semester, and I wish the rest of you the best of luck!
AND TIS THE SEASON!!! That's right! Halloween is over, here comes the holidays. I'm so excited! The roomies and I are having a Christmas Soiree this year. Black tie, invite only. I can't wait.
This is long enough, if you read all of this....1000 extra points to you. Love you guys!