Apr 30, 2004 12:01
As I sit in this chair, at this desk for the last time, I am becoming quite nostalgic. No one else is here. I am the only person. Jen and Jenni have moved out and Amanda is on her last exam. In 3 hours, all of this is going to be done with, the experimentation in the bathroom, the intitation of the "new girl", all the boys from this year, all of the drama, all of the crying, all of the laughing. It is now coming to an end. I can't help but feel as though I am going to miss this place more than ever. Sure, all year we bitched about wanting our own kitchen, more room...you know, normal stuff. But I wouldn't give this year up for anything. I made new friends, I lost old ones. I lost family members. I made friends who are right up there with siblings. In the end, it was quite amazing. All of it. I'm assuming things can only go one way, up. Things are going to get better, and keep improving. I have plans for this summer with wonderful people in Jacksonville and Chicago. So, as everyone else seems to be doing, I am listening to Eve 6 "Here's to the night" and saying goodbyes. To everyone, I wish you an amazing summer. I love you all, and I'll see you next fall!