So, tell me why:

Mar 16, 2010 16:24

 is it that when I'm studying for my exams - i.e. physiology currently - that I have this massive urge of wanting to study languages? There's something in my brain that's hardwired to ensure that I don't accomplish the current task at hand in hopes of trying a million other things simultaneously.

It makes me a very distractable person. *checks email again*

I've already added Italian on my to do list, since it is a Latin based language - and Freerice (check it out, - a good cause I tell ya! Every word you define correctly - and now there are subjects like math and geography - will feed hungry people in this world. It has been featured in Time, etc. A genuinely sweet website...) has shown me that I actually have a pretty nice grasp on the meaning of words just because of my background in Latin. I've especially been on this Italian kick considering of my lovely adventures in ACII, and I think I may switch it to Italian voiceacting when I'm playing just for the heck. Might as well learn something as I go....

AGH. Needless to say: I NEED TO STUDY.

*eats words*


languages, words, random

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