I just spent the last hour or so taking all my old journal entries and adding them to my LiveJournal archives... all fifty-six of them. There should've been fifty-nine, but some have been lost over time (entries 2, 20, and 53). Anyway, if you'd care to read them, I've placed them in my memories under "
Old Journals". They range from middle school, my infatuation with Kristy, and the forging of the Commitment to my high school Senior Prom.
These were journals that I had started just prior to my eighth grade year, by making Word documents for each entry. I think I got the idea from Doogie Houser M.D., but whatever... I stuck with it for a long time. I only stopped because I began using LiveJournal more consistantly. However, I still have all the journals that I wrote out on paper that I haven't added yet. I'm not sure I want to do that tonight, though, because that means I'd have to type it all. I think I can live with what I've accomplished already, for now.