Mar 16, 2006 21:45
So, I'm still waiting for the world to become my oyster. Maybe it's because I haven' spent a full night here yet?
Well, it's rather hot here. Like 31 degrees hot. And the city itself isn't really made for getting around. Still, I'll manage. I spent today doing pretty much nothing, letting my left leg rest and hopefully heal a bit. I managed to fuck it up royally a few days ago while walking in Hong Kong, and it still hasn't recovered.
Tomorrow I plan on seeing the emerald buddha and the national gallery, and maybe catching a muay thai fight at one of the two arenas in the area. Or maybe I'll save that for the weekend.
The hostel is nice. I'm typing this update on one of their computers downstairs. It's a combo hostel, net cafe and restaurant. Unfortunately, it's a bit off the beaten path. Eh, a couple of baht gets you downtown fast enough.
Well, enough of this. Hopefully tomorrow I'll have something of more substance to update.
PS for Miranda: Any recommendations?