Trite ol fool

Jul 05, 2007 01:16

Love is the dumbest concept. But I guess a necessary one. Imagine what I would have been if no one ever loved me. The problem with guys like myself is that not just any love will do. You can love me til the moon turns red but I will still hate you. I despise the love I have for others cause I know that all human love is flawed. There is no untainted love of a man or an unconditional love of a woman. Everyone seems to love someone else only cause of the fact that they dont love themselves, is obsessed over that person, needs to feel appreciated...ect ect. Just a need to fill that Godshaped hole everyone has. Some people have self esteeme issues. Thats where most love comes from nowadays. Example if someone hotter and better looking than you says I love you and honestly seems to mean it, are you gonna care? And in turn wont you love them greatly! Especially if you had a crush on em even before you or they knew you loved them? HEre is what you should ask yourself. Why does this person love me? Is this real or just another chapter in this book called life? Will this person hurt me? NOw the answer to these questions are of course, YES. You are pathetic. YOu are needless as well as uneeded. You wil question this relationship and others cause you know the truth. You are underserving you are unforgiving and you will be deserted. Its ok. You already knew this. But YOu just needed to read it aloud from a voice outside the box. Oh and not to mention physical attributes. Lets face it people, sex is sex and if you can get it regurlarly you will keep that person around if not only for the pick me up mentality. But if you can have a step up and fuck that person that you only see in your dreams....? YOu would take it of course. Man and woman alike think that way. Me I dont think. For all I know I am the equal or indifferent. But you. You know what this is. Its a means to an end. No she/he doesnt really love you. You are a new beginning and when you end another will begin. The sooner everyone realizes this the better. Why you ask? Because then everyone will forget about looking for someone to love them and finally start to love themselves. Because till you do, there is no love that will ever or could ever COMPLETE YOU.

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