And he calls you love

Nov 02, 2006 20:42

I am enemy to man. I hate you all. Even myself because I am a man. I do what I do to thwart mankind, to confuse him to turn him against his brother and aye her against her sister. I scheme and plot in efforts to lead you to your own desire which are ultimately my desires. Therefore your lust, your casual wants, your pride, your anger, your filth leads you back to me. Where you belong. Beyond the grace of God. I am not your friend and ny you mine. I will always lie to you. I will always deceive you. I will always persuade you to move. Even at this time I have led one of you to betray your better instincts to follow the urges your genitalia burns for. In doing this someone will die and in dying return to me. And he loves you. Will forgive you. You filthy, worthless beings. You lost poor unfortunate souls. You raise your fist against him, he forgives you; You curse his name, he forgives you; you murder your own young, he forgives you; you murder his only son....; he forgives you. And even in forgiving you, you still run. you still chase your trivial persuits to destruction and places that swallow light. He made you, this is true, but you come to me. You cant stop me. And the only reason you cant is because in your dark hearts you dont want to. You think you control me or those who follow me? you think you run fate with your magic. With your money. With your hands? These things at your very birth belonged to me. What shall you do to jar such things. What leash have you to pull and lull the beast which you seem to think you control. No dog. I control you. I can make you wish you were dead in minutes or leave your insides burning so badly that you will curve your back and buck at the air like the bitch you are in heat. You like my deadly despair. You like my alluring lust. You love my women. You love my men. You love my food. You love my drink. You love my land. So easily will you follow its ruler to its ruin.You will. Because you love me. And even more you love yourself. You are taught to save yourself beyond all others. And even if you are the last, still, preserve yourself so that you make look beautiful when they find your rotten bloated busted corpse. I hate you. I hate you because he loves you. Because he gave it all to you for the sake of your betrayal. And the worse part is that he knew. He knew.But that is alright. Play his favorites. Cause you come to me. You will always come back to me. The sex, the drugs, the pain, the lust(fuck love). YOU NEED ME. I HAVE EVERYTHING YOU NEED. Come closer child...and see what I got... see what you want... see what you ought... come closer child... indulge in the truth... then call me your father...from your old... to your youth.

-truth in the form of a lie-
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