Lost in Translation

Jul 23, 2006 02:53

Im so fuckin sick of cocks and cunts I puke at the very thought of either. I wanna kill myself so bad tonight. ::sigh:: i think to fuckin much.
I think to fuckin much about the people around me. if not for all the fuckin people in my life I would either be dead or very successful. i thnk about what things would be like if I had never met certain people in my life. Would I be better. I dont kare really. I think I do but most of the time I know I dont. like tonight... I dont care. I hate everyone right now. but you know whats funny about it all. Only one person set me off. And its especially bad because, you know, old feelings try to resurface though they are not alive. Theres no real sorrow... just anger. Im angry alot. i wont to hurt people alot. i wont to hurt myself.

God! this image in my head. It just keeps flashing! So fuckin bright and ultra white it makes me blind. I see the things you do. Not with actual sight but with feelings. I can feel what most of you do...and those feelings paints this clear as day picture....

Like now! What the fuck! I keep hearing whispers. The words blind....color.... colorblind maybe. My eyes sting and my fingertips feel wet....like sweat or somethin.

See its that shit! and not only that it lingers. Its like its happenin over and over again.

I know Im not psychic or non that shit. I just got sick strong intuition. I only need three specks of color to paint a portrait.
::sigh::: whered taste in my mouth too. Im gonna kill someone. I really am. Everyday I can feel inhibitons fallin short of my leash. Shorter and shorter and one day its gonna snap. I actually hear the sounds in my head of metal twisting...stone cracking....would splinting and snapping. The very air is condensing and every sound is like face-front thunder. So groan is so thick and low that I can almost see the soundwaves move through the air.
God help the world if these chains you made for me break. God help me if the demons I keep under wraps break free. Theres that groan again. kinda sounds like a howl.

I think Im starting to like it.
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