Oh you fuckin Bastards

Feb 12, 2006 12:52

Ok the only 3 guys on the planet that arent ass holes are me, my girlfriends dad(still under inv) and my lil brother.

Someone asked me ( after throwing a fit during her talk about how she lost her virginity) why I didnt like being involved in such conversations.

Because Im always forced to listen to what asshole dick fucked you. Then left you. Then forgot you existed. And how disappointed you were and how you thought they loved you or even cared altogether. I take such things personally cause you girls always do that. Its like you dont want anyone good around or about you. You give what us good guys consider the most sacred gift of all to some bitch ass cunt ragged douche to have. Someone who only considers you another night of EAZ E pussy. They dont even remember your names or fuckin faces and if they do its only so they can come get some midnight nookie later. What the fuck is with you! God its like you can walk down the street now and a third of the BITCHES you see instantly puts their face down and ass up. Its beyond my understanding why you choose such dickheads. I mean you will have this best friend boy for years. He comforts you, talk to you, listens to you and not to mention LOVES you! Would sink ships and destroy lives for you. Climbs mountains and cross oceans for you. Piss razors and shit bricks for you! And will stick with you till the bitter end. Till their is no more air to breath and no ground to walk on. But what do you do? Huh? You not only give your body to some dude you dont even know but you will give your very heart to them. Claim you love him after a damned fuckin week. And then you come to us and say "Oh my god guess who've Ive me. He is so great! I lov him I lov him I lov him!" And then a month later we are the same ones sittin on the phone with you, or standing outside your locked door screamin "put down the gun", or sittin on your bed with a box of tissues calming you down and holding you throughout the night because this prick was caught with someone who wasnt you. And it either take years, or never happen that you realize that the one you always wanted and needed was right there staring into your tear reaked face the whole time. Oh and then we get to have all the broken little peices of your heart. We get to take years peicing you back together just to get only a portion of the reaason we ever fell in love with you in the firstplace. Why? Cause that other prick has the peices of your heart mind and body locked up inside his ass somewhere. And those are the parts that we can never have. We can never have all of you cause someone else does. Do you know how that shit feels. You hate us. You hate the nice guys. Cause we dont beat you or call you outside your name. because we turn our entire world upside down just to see you smile in our GENERAL direction.

We lose a whole lifetime to guys who win with a single moment.

Cause we dont matter to you. Because we are just the thing for you to fall back on. But then who do we fall back on when we finally start trippin? You? Naw you call us hypocrits and insolant. You claim that we are just like all the other guys on this planet earth. You abandon us in a minute when we couldnt abandon you if we wanted to.

Shit! Fuck the girls of the Millenium, cause thats all they are good for. Fuckin intelligent, suffistocated, beautiful BREEDERS JUST LIKE THE ONES BEFORE YOU.

FuCk tUrNeR you shits. Careful I hear he gave the clap to his mom.
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