Aug 29, 2010 12:09
First day of college life and orientation went by and it was so fun.
College things I did yesterday:
1. Walked to CVS...twice. Got some mac and cheese and ice cream to eat with roomies.
2. Swam in the campus pond in my clothes. RIGHT OF PASSAGE GO.
3. Ate delicious cafeteria food. You heard me correctly. DELICIOUS.
4. Visited our local coffee shop type place and almost got free milkshakes. Sadly, that did not happen because the line was forever long to get them.
5. Made friends with a room of boys. They're living in the dorm across the quad from us and we usually end up at meals at about the same time. I bet we'll all end up hanging out a lot.
6. Showered in the co-ed bathroom. Forgot my towel. Was rescued by Abby-roomie.
7. Watched a movie with roomies in the dorm room. JURASSIC PARK YES. I think tonight will more likely be horror movies...or those will be coming up soon. Yikes.
8. Almost fell asleep at several inappropriate moments due to FOREVER LONG DAY.
9. Set up the internet, which was not too difficult.
10. Learned that ALL OF US LIKE OURAN. And video games. And pretty much everything.
Basically, this is full of yay and happy and my roommates are the most wonderful people ever. Roommates and food and weather and beautiful area all make me so content. I'm currently watching Abby's plant. It'll be a flower someday, and I am gonna try to help remind her to water it.
That said, MISS YOU GUYS!! I'm sure I'll have lots of stories to tell when I get back home.
EDIT: Oh, I'm sorry, there was one college thing that happened that I forgot about.
11. Saw a guy streaking. Looked away, but... :D;
cold weather is awesome,
boys share our bathroom and it's kinda w,
love these people!