Life has a way of falling down hill sometimes. Rather like potatoes.
Our house is falling down. Previous owners cut load bearing studs (2). Ajustor has made 1 trip. Plumbers 2 trips. Structural engineers and Plumber's Leak Detector on Tuesday. Pray for our home or what ever you do.
Too many people dead. 3 people I knew in the last month.
Frantically cleaning house for tuesday. Trying to figure out what to do with all the boxes so when they go to use their lasers (yep, lasers) to survey the interior, there's not a lot of flotsam to get in their way.
Brain's been eaten recently by a little game called Corpse Craft that was obviously inspired by Edward Gorey. It's a flash game. You can play it for free at
Whirled Click on the games tab.
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jim000037 Your result for The Steampunk Style Test...
The Gadgeteer
39% Elegant, 52% Technological, 37% Historical, 40% Adventurous and 43% Playful!
You are the Gadgeteer, the embodiment of steampunk technology. Ironically, many of the things that most define your style are probably too large to easily carry about, but given the opportunity you would prefer to be seen surrounded by boiler engines, gear-driven calculators, and incredible automata. Of all the steampunk fashion styles, you place the greatest emphasis on technological accessories, and you are the most likely to create elaborate gadgets that are as much a part of your outfit as your clothes. You probably have goggles, but unlike most people you consider them to be for more than decoration. Whereas most people might look odd carrying a satchel of tools around, for you they may well be essential. Above all, you remind everyone that what sets the genre apart from Victoriana is simply the level of technology.
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