Bad Influences

Nov 15, 2009 15:28

I joined LiveJournal so I could comment on some of the excellent Torchwood fic that I've found here. Thank you, writers, for your kind welcome!

Unfortunately, reading three years worth of fanfic in three months has kicked my dormant fanfic writing impulses into gear. (I left Pern fandom in the 1990's.) What's the last thing the world needs? Another post-Cyberwoman tag. What am I over 4000 words into (and that's just today)? A post-Cyberwoman tag.

It's hopeless, I tell you, hopeless.

And, dang it, now that it looks like I'm going to actually use this thing, I'll have to bother to maintain it. Hopeless, I say.

fic, torchwood

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