Aug 17, 2005 00:41
Hey whats up? Nothing too much here. Just chilling being bored, Oh yeah i got like the best movie ever today SIN CITY! I love that movie well i love anything with Jessica Alba in it ... lol. Anyways. Lets see... i don't really know what to talk about. My g/f is in Russia till Sept. 1st so that sucks but im going to go see her on Sept. 17th i can't wait. Let me see, im about to go freaking nut, glennville freaking sucks ass. Only thing that goes around g-vill is drama, lies, and bullshit. I need to get the fuck up outta here. I have a new goal in life.. get out of here ASAP!!! ah shit let me tell you... i've been staying around the house b/c of how much gas is... its crazy.. freaking $2.60 wtf is that shit? The other day i was riding around and my low fuel light came on so i go to fill up and omg it was $64.68 or some shit like that... i about died i was like thank god i don't pay for my gas. I though my g-ma was going to kill over. LOL let me tell you how lame i am... ok Dream has always been on of my fave. bands (b/c Diana is fine) Also there music is really great i like it. Anyways i was looking up songs the other night and i downloaded there song crazy and i was all happy thought they were going to be coming out with a new cd and i started looking online and i be damned that freaking song came out in 2003 ... lol i felt so freaking stupid... i read online that Bad boy records dropped them and then they split up. That really sucks, b/c they really rocked. I think it broke my heart... lol ... j/k. Oh well atleast i still got there first cd and there single crazy and i did get to see them live so it's all good. Well anyways... this post is just a bunch of shit that i keep going on about so im out... love to all!