Oct 01, 2006 23:05
For this is wisdom-to love and live,
To take what fate or the gods may give,
To ask no question, to make no prayer,
To kiss the lips and caress the hair,
Speed passion's ebb as we greet its flow,
To have and to hold, and, in time-let go.
I'm in love with This Side of Paradise. I got it for my birthday from my brother. Read it. It's amazing. I'm not quite finished but I identify so much with protagonist Amory Blaine and I don't just think it's because he goes to Princeton.
The weather has been beautiful. I have a lot of people coming to visit me and that makes me really excited. I wrote this the other day and wanted to put it in here because that's what I do with things I write (Drew, you can skip this next section if it offends you).
So we sit on our hands and swallow our tongues for fear of rising too high or falling too fast. At last I have a chance to take a breath and I hope for reassurance of substance. But I think too much, I think too much. You make your predictions, I'll reserve expectations; she speaks to me in dreams.
I feel like Kelly in Florida is completely different from Kelly at Princeton. I know who I am when I'm at home-who my friends are, what to say, what to do, how to act. I have a confidence and assurance at home that disappears when I come to school and I think part of that stems from not having the same amazing friends and, maybe more chiefly, not really being sure of who I am.
Albums to get: Ray Lamontagne, MeWithoutYou