
Nov 14, 2008 12:47

Woot!  I got a spiffy e-mail today from PhotoMark with a link to the wedding pictures!  Hooray!

Take a look!

If you don't know my last name, then you can't see them.  So there.  Also, apparently you can buy pictures from there too, which is kinda cool.  Also also, there are a lot of pictures.  Like, 559 of them.

Yay wedding!

On a less awesome note, Spunky died yesterday.  In the middle of traffic.  On the way to work. >_<   So I had to get the towing going and all that exciting jazz, but at least the cop was super nice and didn't write me a ticket for my mega-expired license plates (I have the correct, legal plates, they're just in my front seat instead of on the car).  Her reasoning was that, well, she didn't see me driving anywhere ^_~

$300-odd dollars later, I have a new alternator, some new belts, and a peppy, lively Spunky again.

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