Обложка для паспорта

Nov 02, 2014 23:20

Обложка для паспорта из натуральной кожи.
Размер выкройки 19,5см х 14,3см
Экспериментировала со штампами - пробовала печатать тесьмой - вся вымазалась в краске, а результат - получилось очень грубо, так, что пришлось все отдирать от кожи.
Полоску, проштампованную кружочком-филигранью, оставила, хотя рисунок тоже сильно поплыл - типо, винтажненько.

Забыла положить в набор еще пинцет и кисточку. Вилки - для разметки отверстий. Иглы нет - проклеивала кончик нитки.
Очень удобно работать на куске оргалита.

Смотрела в сети фигурные пробойники по коже, облизывалась, но по 400руб за штуку пока не готова. Пока буду набираться опыта по технологиям.

Icheon Master Hand

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The American Museum of Ceramic Art is honored to present ICHEON: Reviving the Korean Ceramics tradition, an unprecedented exhibition organized by Icheon, South Korea. Icheon has a history of ceramic culture that began over 5000 years ago and has a reputation for its internationally renowned ceramics cultural events. Now Icheon
has reached out to an American institution for the very first time. As the premiere exhibition of its kind in the United States, ICHEON will present over 230 objects never before seen on American soil that exemplify the revival of the ceramics tradition in Korea from antique techniques to contemporary innovations.
Icheon Public opening is from October 12th- December 29th. Join us in welcoming Icheon Dignitaries as we celebrate this major exhibition on Saturday, November 9, 2013, 6:00pm‐8:30pm.
Founded in 2001 and opened in September, 2004, AMOCA is one of the few museums in the United States devoted exclusively to ceramic art and historic innovations in ceramic technology. It is located in an area abounding with ceramic history and internationally recognized clay artists from the Arts and Crafts Movement, the 60's Clay Revolution and the current Studio Pottery Era. Geographically, the building is located in an urban downtown district where art is an important element of the continuing and successful community revitalization program. The home community consists of a rich ethnic mix and a large academic constituency with approximately fifteen institutions of higher learning within an eight-mile radius.
You can visit http://www.amoca.org for more information.

хэнд мэйд, кожа, обложка

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